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- «c2»«ac»PHAT 1 REPORT«»
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- «c1»«ac»By Kure/RNO«»
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- «c7»«as»It was a chilly autumn Friday morning when I met «c6»Shape/DCS «c7»at the train station in Tampere.
- We bought the tickets and stepped into the train. A couple of hours later we were at
- Helsinki and met «c6»Deeq/RNO and TheHooligan/DCS. «c7»We went to eat some pizza before heading to
- the harbour. The ferry tickets were supposed to pick up no later than 15 mins before the
- ferry leaves, so we called «c6»Tundrah/RNO «c7»were he was. "I'm in a tram so I'm on my way", he
- replied. All the other travellers «c6»(Droidi/HJB, Melwyn/HJB, 216/Mfx, Nosfe/Mfx, Lobotomy?,
- Deadmeat/Mfx and Titti) «c7»had arrived, and finally also «c6»Tundrah «c7»came and he got the ticket right
- before the ticket sales/info was closed.«»
- «»
- Our passports were checked and soon we were sitting in a rather cosy "lounge" drinking and
- talking shit - except Shape who got seasick 1:25 hours later we arrived Tallinn/Estonia
- and took two taxis to the bus station. Some guys went to prevent the bus not to leave while
- some were buying tickets - everyone except «c6»Shape «c7»got return tickets. The bus left 10 minutes
- later of its schedule.«»
- «»
- The bus was half full and we crowded the back of the bus. The journey continued and we kept
- talking crap and drinking a little bit. Reading Hirmu magazines was also good entertainment.
- A couple of hours later we arrived Pärnu and had a short break, so «c6»THG, Nosfe and I «c7»went to a
- nearby store to buy some drinks and snacks.«»
- «»
- A bit later we arrived the border of «c6»Latvia / Estonia. «c7»A strict female toll official checked
- the passports, took them with her and leftus wondering what'll happen to them now. Luckily
- after a small break we got them back and kept going towards «c6»Riga.«»
- «»
- «c7»At some point during the bus ride «c6»TheHooligan «c7»got a phonecall from his russian girlfriend
- that she is «c6»pregnant «c7»and he is going to be a «c6»father!! «c7»That was something we made jokes about
- the whole weekend. (note: next week the 2nd test showed that she' not pregnant.) We also got
- an unfortunate message from «c6»Raver/DCS^PHT «c7»that he was robbed and lost his money and passport.
- Tough luck!«»
- «»
- In the evening after the sun had went down and long&exhausting trip, we finally made it to
- Riga bus station. «c6»Raver «c7»with his friends were waiting for us there. We took a local bus
- as the party was located some kilometers away, bought some booze from a gas station and
- went to the party place which was on the 5th floor of some kind of industrial building.
- «c6»Phat1 «c7»was very different ind of party compared to all the others I've been to as there
- were no tables nor computers (except for organizers'), or much party people either. I
- guess there were more Finns than other people at Friday evening.«»
- We left our baggage and, with «c6»Raver «c7»as our guide, walked to another gas station to buy
- booze&food. Most of us went to a store to buy meat and then back to the party. Or more
- likely to the river bank where we had our grill. At some point we heard a *splash* and
- as we turned around, we saw Droidi in the water. He had went for urea leak and thought
- that there were some steps to the river.. We got another good laugh of the little
- incident. The evening and night continued by drinking, barbequeing and chatting
- with other party people.«»
- «»
- In the morning some of us went to a "restaurant" on the ground floor for a breakfast.
- The older woman working there spoke only latvian, so she had put all the food options
- to plates so we just pointed out what we wanted to eat. Quite smart woman, eh. The
- food was reasonable priced but it didn't have any spices at all. Some said food was
- okay, though...«»
- «»
- Some of us spent the day in center of Riga and some in and near the party place.
- Nothing special happened, I suppose. «c6»Droidi «c7»noticed that half of his bus ticket
- was ruined due to his little swimming trip yesterday. «c6»Shape «c7»managed to get a return
- ticket. Later «c6»Nosfe, Deadmeat, Shape and Lobotomy «c7»sliced and 'prepared' some
- kilograms of meat and 3 kg's o fish. So we went back to the river bank where
- some local people were fishing. But we didn't care about them and set up the
- grill. One by one they left the place leaving it completely for us.«»
- «»
- Later we went back to the party place where house/tekno/etc. was played by
- several dj's and Amiga demos were shown (on a monitor, there was no big
- screen!). A music compo with eight entries was held which was the only one
- I 'saw' as I went to sleep. I doubt there was any other compos that night.«»
- «»
- A few hours later we had to wake up. «c6»Raver «c7»showed us the bus stop and soon
- we were at the bus station waiting our bus to leave
- As only half of «c6»Droidi's «c7»bus ticket was in good condition he had to pay
- another 200 EEK to travel with the rest of us. «c6»Nosfe «c7»puked in the bus
- which was full, must have made a good impression to the local people.
- Two elks ran right in front of the bus which woke us up. Luckily the
- bus didn't hit them. Some hours later we reached «c6»Tallinn, «c7»went to eat
- some cheap pizza, bought 'souveniers' (=booze), hung around a while
- andtook a ferry back to «c6»Helsinki.«»
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- Check out the Phat1 slideshow by RNO which was released late 2001!«»
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